Lets get personal

Welcome To My Blog. Introducing Me!

Hi! I am so excited to be here and share my story. My name is Chelsea and I am 25 years old living in South Jersey. I am going to take the time to create this post to truly emerge you into my life. Here are 4 fun facts about me to get us started!

1). I have a HUGE love for animals and am a Professional Dog Sitter (Yes, I consider myself a professional). I’m ecstatic to show you all the dogs I watch and inform you about each breed. I’ll even give you tips on how to make money fast watching cute pups! Plus each post will show you cute dogs and who doesn’t love pictures of dogs?!

The main dog in my life though is Mia, and without trying to sound like a crazy dog lady, she truly is my child. Mia is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who just turned 3 on February 14! (She’s a Valentine’s baby).

Mia on her 3rd Birthday!

She’s even registered as a Therapy Dog. Having her as a Therapy Dog is honestly one of my biggest accomplishments. Knowing she can help turn someone’s day around is truly an inspiring experience to be a part of.

2). I met the love of my life in April 2018 on eharmony. (I guess that site actually does work!) His name is John and he is in the Military. I always wanted to be the girl who stayed close to my hometown forever but with John being in the Military that was no longer an option. I suddenly became excited to explore a whole new world with him by my side. Next thing I knew, 6 months in, I packed up 25 years of memories from my childhood bedroom and moved into an apartment, 2 hours away from home. I honestly COULD NOT be happier.

This was our first picture ever taken together. With a giraffe. That’s normal, right?

Mia adores him just as much as I do…if not more. Lets just say I am no longer her favorite.

He really is the best dog dad!

3). I am a complete travel bug when it comes to exploring new areas, attending local events, and hiking new trails. Sitting still and being lazy is something I am NOT capable of. I always need to be doing an activity or I go completely stir crazy. There are so many fun adventures near and far I can’t wait to share with you. I will give you all the travel details and tell you how to plan for them! I will be sure to show you all my favorite restaurants, activities, and sleeping arrangements of my trips.

This is me in Ireland at the Cliffs of Moher. It was truly beautiful.

4). This might be cliche but I LOVE food. One of my favorite hobbies (yes hobbies) is trying new restaurants and ordering a variety of foods off the menu. I can be so indecisive and want to try a bite of everything! Does anyone else have this problem?! I have some secret hidden gems in New Jersey I will share with you and trust me there will be plenty of mouth drooling pictures to starve over!

This photo is the essence of my infatuation with food. Want to know how great this place was?! Stay tuned as I will definitely post about this in the weeks to come.

Welp, that’s all I got for now! Again, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my life. I want to hear your thoughts and your own experiences! Let’s connect and share our stories together. If you have any travel or food suggestions just let me know and I will add them to my blog bucket list! I’m stoked to be here and look forward to speaking with all of you!

With love,
