Lets get personal

Wedding Wednesday #4 – My Bridal Shower!

I curled my hair, clipped pieces back, painted make up on my face, and then slipped into my white dress for my Bridal Shower. This was the first true moment everything hit me. I was getting married in less than 2 months. I stood there, staring at myself in the mirror, so beyond blessed to be celebrating a day between the love of my life and myself. There was no one better to share this special day with than all my friends and family. I have never felt so loved before.

Get ready to be splurged of all the cutest and thoughtful pictures of that day. I am so happy to have it captured. Shout out to my Maid of Honor Erin for taking all of these photos, you are truly beyond amazing.

Most Bridal Showers are a surprise but since I live 2 hours away I felt it was necessary to know the date, time, and location of my shower. Even though I knew this information there were still SO many surprises waiting for me at the venue. The venue was called “Fiona’s” and my friends/family transformed their semi private room into a beautiful shower. There were so many tiny details spread out in the room that were so special to me.

All of the tables had tiny details that were truly adorable. My thoughtful mom knew I wanted a rustic wedding and knowing that I’m not getting that to it’s full extent on my wedding day my mom added hints of rustic into my shower. The flower pot holder was a tin can with a heart on it that stood on top of a wooden centerpiece.

My cousin Rachel who unfortunately couldn’t make it to the shower created the cutest flower piece with greenery that had John and I’s first letter of our name in the middle of it.

Everyone as a favor received flowers in a vase that had a tag attached. I love the rustic rope that hung the tag onto the vase.

This was for a game we played. There were baby pictures of me on the wall and everyone had to guess which age I was in each photo. It was a really cute idea and this card template is adorable. (See picture below)

To be honest I didn’t even win this game! I wasn’t sure how old I was in most of these pictures surprisingly enough.

I even had customized Hershey Kisses. How cute is that?! Literally obsessed.

There was also a long table off to the side that displayed engagement photos of John and I, a beautifully crafted edible cake, floating candles behind the cake that I’m in love with, a recipe box, John and I’s first letter of our names made out of wood, and Jenga for people to write date ideas on.

I cannot thank everyone enough for attending my Shower. It was such a beautiful day and I have never felt so loved and cherished. It’s almost scary how fast the day went and taught me a lesson to take in the moments and not let them fly by, especially on my wedding day. To take a step back, look at the details, soak it all in while continuing to enjoy precious moments.

A HUGE thank you to my mother. She worked so hard to add in all the small details of rustic and charm I am not getting on my wedding day. I know she worked endlessly on details and ensuring my happiness. As being her only daughter to be getting married let’s be honest, this isn’t just my wedding, it’s also hers and she deserves so much credit for this day she put together. I love you so much and everything was perfect.

Another HUGE thank you to my Maid of Honors Erin and Maggie. I know they worked hard to ensure every minuscule detail was percise. They also know all I wanted was a funfetti cake, which may sound odd, but believe it or not that’s what they got me! (Kind of a big deal ya’ll) Erin also took so many pictures of the day for me to remember and I just can’t thank either of them enough for putting more effort in than I expected. I love you both endlessly.

I hate being the center of attention so I was happy my younger cousins came to help open the gifts with me. Plus I think they were more excited than I was! This was until they realized all the gifts were for “adults” and didn’t contain candy or barbie dolls.

One of my favorite parts of opening gifts is reading all of the cards. They had some of the cutest cards too and so many were beautifully written! Cards are my favorite part of any present I receive.

I am very blessed by all the love and gifts people gave me. It all meant so much and John is thrilled we received so many pots and pans! Haha.

This was one of the most embarrassing but funny parts of the day. My Aunt Jamie and friend Allie tag teamed together to buy me lingerie and hung it from a clothes line. I could not stop laughing even though my face was EXTREMELY red.

John came at the end with not only a slight buzz but a bouquet of flowers for me. We cannot thank everyone enough for coming out to continuously celebrate the days leading up to our wedding. We feel your love and love you back just as much. If I forgot to thank anyone individually I am sorry but I am truly thankful! Only 45 days left to go, let’s do this thing!