Travel Bug

Longwood Gardens – Late Night Christmas Style

I have been craving to explore the beautiful Longwood Gardens everyone always talks about and I finally attended. I would see spectacular photos of this stunning scenery throughout the year in broad daylight, but for my first time going it was at night during the wonderful Christmas Holiday season, which I think is truly special.

On the plus side, masks keep your safe warm in the cold! Let’s admire how beautiful the entry to Longwood Gardens is.

The experience was magical and if you’ve ever seen Disney World at Christmas time with their stunning lights and Christmas music, you may get some of those same shimmering vibes. I know that’s a corny correlation but that’s honestly how I felt, as if I was in a place full of magic.

This was something great to do to get into the Holiday spirit since things are SO limited this year. Unfortunately, many attractions at this event were closed due to the spiking cases of COVID, so read before you go.

On a plus side, there is a water show that plays every 15 minutes which was great to see it was still open! The light show danced to Christmas music, which of course I was not opposed to by any means. It was lovely!

I was apprehensive at how much there would be to see with so many attractions being closed but it was worth the trip, more so if it’s your first time visiting. EVERYTHING was covered in pretty string lights with Christmas music playing all around the pathways. Some of the most entertaining parts were seeing all the lights against the waters that ran through the landscapes. They had the most beautiful reflections.

I was pleasantly surprised to be able to cross bridges all decorated (I have a weird obsession with bridges). It looked as if we were walking through a scene from Alice in Wonderland. It was a fantasy and complete dreamland.

These mystical light up balls were so fun!
They also changed color every half minute or so.

One of my favorite events of the whole Gardens was what we named the “Twinkle Tunnel” which is not the true name by any means but I instantly became obsessed. It was a tunnel completely covered in lights that twinkled and changed colors. It was SO fun!

Thanks Hubby for being a great sport and taking literally almost every photo! xoxo

Even though many places were closed off they were still decorated and looking prettier than ever!

As you can see this place is great and you should definitely purchase your ticket/s ASAP! Reservations in advance must be made.

They have food stands, drink stands, etc. Of course prices are high so don’t be shocked for a high priced cup of hot chocolate but it sure did smell good! The shop at the exit/entrance of the Gardens had a lot of fun knick-knacks if you still need any last minute Christmas gifts.

I’m already mentally planning in my head to return in the Spring and in the daylight. I am excited to see all the flowers blooming in Spring and hoping all now closed attractions will be opened by then.

Fingers crossed! Hoping to share that experience in the near future 🙂 Until then I hope everyone stays safe and has a very Merry Christmas Season!