Yummy Corner

DIY: How To Make A Bunny Cake

Hi all! I know I’m a day late with Easter being yesterday but I just HAD to share this “how to” bunny cake. I mean you don’t just have to make this cake on Easter but if that’s your goal definitely favorite this page in your bookmarks for next year!

For those of you who do not know me well, I love baking. I love making cakes, cupcakes, etc and decorating them. I was an art major in college so I guess this helped lead me to discovering I could use my baking abilities, along with my creative talents, to make deliciously fun food!

Before making this cake I would read the whole blog first, just so you have an idea of what to do! Ingredients you need are as followed:

1.) Cake Mix (Any kind you want) I used chocolate as it’s my Aunt’s favorite. Of course you’ll also need the rest of the ingredients listed on the cake mix box.

2.) 2 cans of icing, again any flavor you want. I just did vanilla because it’s best for mixing colors.

3.) 2 same sized circular pans.

4.) 2 different colored food dyes. Maybe a pink and blue, at least that’s what I used. You’ll read later what this is for.

5.) Piping bag for icing or you can make your own with a zip lock plastic bag (I explain how to make this later on).

6.) Sprinkles, optional for bow tie.

7.) Large jelly beans for the eyes. Feel free to adjust this if you prefer a different method!

8.) Peel and pull Twizzlers for the whiskers.

Once you finish mixing all the cake batter be sure to dispense the batter evenly into each circular pan. Once this is done it is ready to get into the oven!

If it wasn’t chocolate I might have shared with Mia….

Not sure about you but I ALWAYS eat the left over batter….that’s one of my favorite parts of baking!

Take the cakes and put them on a cooling pan. Do not move them until they have cooled.

Once they have cooled down you want to cut slowly/carefully and make a curved incision on both sides of only ONE of the cakes (I did this to the left cake). You want the middle piece to be wider on the ends and skinnier in the middle. The middle piece will end up being the rabbit’s bow tie and the other two half moon cuts will be his ears. (Reference the first and/or last photos for the example of this).

After this is done, or before, take a long tray or plate to put the cake on. I used a cookie tray and covered it with foil wrap because that’s the only large enough cake plate I had that would fit this longer cake.

Now it’s starting to look like a bunny! Ears, bow ties, and all!

Next, you want to place the cake pieces onto your long plate, tray, etc. Of course be careful moving the cake pieces as they are going to be fragile, especially the ones you cut! Carefully move the pieces to fit the design above.

Here’s the part I listed above saying you will need “2 colored food dyes.” I used pink for the rabbit’s ears, nose, and mouth. Blue is for the bow tie. Using vanilla icing helps mix colors well.

From here I iced the cake. I make the face and ears all white with the vanilla icing and then blue for the bow tie. Make sure to spread the icing carefully if you make a darker cake because as you can see little chocolate pieces came up. Extra icing also helps cover this! If you plan on decorating your bow tie I would do this right after you ice it so the icing doesn’t harden on you. You want the icing to stay sticky! I just used simple sprinkles.

Hopefully this picture helps you see how I made my little bag for icing since I didn’t use a piping bag.

Next it’s time to put some pink in the middle of the bunny’s ears! I would take the pink icing and put it in a piping bag. If you don’t have a piping bag don’t fret, I have an easy solution! Get a plastic zip lock bag, fill it with the colored icing you want, and then in the corner of the bag take scissors and make a tiny cut/hole for the icing to come out of. It will essentially work the same and be more cost effective if you don’t want to go out and buy a piping bag! Feel free to even practice the design you want to do on a napkin before you put it on the cake if that makes you feel more comfortable.

Loved that John helped me do this!

As you can see, shown in the pictures above, I just made a circular diamond in the middle of the ears and then filled them with additional icing. From there, John used the icing knife to spread it around and fill it in. Easy as pie!

John always gets me in the cutest candid photos. Just had to share!

After the ears are filled in I put 2 large black jelly beans for eyes in the middle of the rabbits face and made an upside triangle with the icing for the nose. From the nose I made a straight line down and did 2 half circles for the mouth to make the rabbit appear as it is smiling.

Lastly, we need whiskers! Take the pull and peel Twizzlers and do just as they are called, peel them apart and then pull them to the length you want. You can use regular Twizzlers but then that involves cutting them to be skinnier so I find the pull and peel Twizzlers to be a lot easier. Place three of each side of the face around the same length and then eat the extra! Yum!

Last step: Admire your work! Well done! This cake is super simple, cute, and tasty!

Thanks dad for taking this photo!

Thanks for reading my “How To Make A Bunny Cake.” I’m so excited I was able to share this cute cake tradition with you! I’m even more excited John helped me out, he’s such a good sport!

If you try this please share photos with me and let me know how your experience went! I’m so curious to see how everyone’s cakes come out as they are all different and unique 🙂 That’s what makes it so fun!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and thanks again for following along and reading, it is always appreciated!